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New Priority Framework for the granting of the Final Connection Offers

Pursuant to the provisions of Decision No. YΠΕΝ/ΓΔE/84014/7123/12-8-2022 of the Minister of Energy (Government Gazette 4333 B΄/12-8-2022) the priority framework for the granting of the Final Connection Offers (F.C.O) for RES plants, CHP plants and energy storage plants was established in order to be applied by the Network Operator and the System Operator. The priority in the granting of F.C.O. is realised through the grouping of the plants into six main ranking groups, including sub-groups, with respect to the System Operator and five ranking groups with respect to the Network Operator. Some of the main criteria for the application of the new priority framework are the technology of the projects, their capacity and their geographical location, while special terms and conditions are introduced for the inclusion in some of the priority groups, namely the application of a maximum power limit for connection offers per priority group/subgroup and a per cent reduction of the planned capacity of each project.

Government Gazette 4333 B΄12-8-2022